
Add a Tooltip for the MFC Dialog

Add a Tooltip for the MFC Dialog

This method works for the MFC derived class and was tested on a Dialog-based class.

  1. Set Active Project
  2. Select Project –>Add to Project –>Components and Controls –> VC++ Components –> ToolTip Support
  3. Insert!
  4. CDialog::OnInitDialog() refer the following:
     	// TODO: Use one of the following forms to add controls:	// m_tooltip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_), );	// m_tooltip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_), "");	m_tooltip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_Smile), "Click here to see smile");
  5. Explanation:

    1. .h file: Add the following inside the Constructor:
       	public:	   virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);	protected:	   CToolTipCtrl m_tooltip;	   Virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
    2. .cpp file: Add 2 methods:
       		PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg);	   ***will add CToolTipCtrl::RelayEvent()	OnInitDialog();
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