
Use the Deprecation Tag to Warn of Code Changes

Use the Deprecation Tag to Warn of Code Changes

When you need to change the parameters or name of a class or method you developed use the javadoc @deprecated tag and leave the old code. This allows other to be warned that they need to update their code without having to break a build process.

The following code illustrates its usage:

   /**   * Adds a resouce to list.   *   * @deprecated replaced by addResource(String, String).   */  public void addResource( String name )  {     ...  }

If you use the old method, you will get this message from the compiler:

 C:	ips>javac Test.javaNote: uses or overrides a deprecated API.Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.

Be sure to comment the reason for the change and the replacement method that should be used.

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