
Register and unregister type libraries

Register and unregister type libraries

All COM-oriented VB developers know how to register and unregister an ActiveX DLL, using the REGSVR32 utility. However, there is no such an utility to register and unregister a type library.

You can quickly build your own TLB Registration utility with a handful of statements, thanks to the undocumented TLBINF32.DLL library that is silently installed with Visual Basic 5 and 6. Just add a reference to the “TypeLib Information” library in the References dialog, and then invoke one of these two functions:

' Register a type librarySub RegisterTypeLib(ByVal TypeLibFile As String)    Dim TLI As New TLIApplication    ' raises an error if unable to register    ' (e.g. file not found or not a TLB)    TLI.TypeLibInfoFromFile(TypeLibFile).RegisterEnd Sub' Unregister a type librarySub UnregisterTypeLib(ByVal TypeLibFile As String)    Dim TLI As New TLIApplication    ' raises an error if unable to unregister    TLI.TypeLibInfoFromFile(TypeLibFile).UnRegisterEnd Sub

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