
Updating records in DataList and ADO Data Controls

Updating records in DataList and ADO Data Controls

If you use a DataList control linked to an ADO Data Control and if you want to add a record, you have to create a command button with this code:

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()  On Error GoTo AddErr  datPrimaryRS.Recordset.AddNew  txtNew.SetFocus  Exit SubAddErr:  MsgBox Err.DescriptionEnd Sub

You can specify the new item through txtNew textbox. To allow the user to save this record, you have to add an other button, with this code in its Click event:

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()  On Error GoTo UpdateErr  datPrimaryRS.Recordset.Update  datPrimaryRS.Refresh  Exit SubUpdateErr:  MsgBox Err.DescriptionEnd Sub

However, if you execute this example and try to add a new item, you’ll notice that even after pressing the cmdUpdate button, the new item won’t appear in the DataList. To correct this problem, you have to add a call to Requery method before Refresh. This is the correct code:

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()  On Error GoTo UpdateErr  datPrimaryRS.Recordset.Update  datPrimaryRS.Recordset.Requery  datPrimaryRS.Refresh  Exit SubUpdateErr:  MsgBox Err.DescriptionEnd Sub

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