
Make a phone call using TAPI

Make a phone call using TAPI

If TAPI libraries are installed on your machine, you can easily dial a number from a VB application using a single API call. Here’s a function that encapsulates the call and that returns True if the dialing was successful:

Private Declare Function tapiRequestMakeCall Lib "TAPI32.DLL" (ByVal Dest As _    String, ByVal AppName As String, ByVal CalledParty As String, _    ByVal Comment As String) As Long' make a phone call using TAPI' return True if successfullFunction PhoneCall(ByVal PhoneNumber As String, ByVal DestName As String, _    Optional ByVal Comment As String) As Boolean    If tapiRequestMakeCall(Trim$(PhoneNumber), App.Title, Trim$(DestName), _        Comment) = 0 Then        PhoneCall = True    End IfEnd Function

This code works on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4 SP3 or later, and Windows 2000, and requires TAPI 1.3 libraries or a later version.

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