
Correct installation of Server service on Windows NT4 for SQL

Correct installation of Server service on Windows NT4 for SQL

It is especially important to correctly set Windows NT4’s Server service in “Application Server” mode to ensure that the Server service doesn’t absorb all the available hardware resources while providing network services for file management. As its name suggests, when in “Application Server” mode, resources are managed in a way that gives applications a higher priority, and these applications include SQL Server. In this mode SQL Server will receive an adequate amount of CPU time even when the machine also works as file server.

To set this mode correctly, follow this procedure. Activate the Control Panel applet for the network resource management. Activate the panel containing the network services, select the Server service and display its properties by clicking on the appropriate button. You’ll have to choice among 4 different modes: select Application Server mode and confirm by closing the dialog.


This tip has been originally published on Microsoft Italia’s web site.
It has been translated and re-published on VB2TheMax with the permission of Microsoft Italia.
You can find more tips like this one (in Italian) at


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