
GetFileVersionData – Retrieve file versioning information

GetFileVersionData – Retrieve file versioning information

Private Declare Function GetFileVersionInfoSize Lib "version.dll" Alias _    "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA" (ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _    lpdwHandle As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function GetFileVersionInfo Lib "version.dll" Alias _    "GetFileVersionInfoA" (ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _    ByVal dwHandle As Long, ByVal dwLen As Long, lpData As Any) As Long' Get versioning information about a file' it only works with Win32 files, and under Windows 95/98 the short path' form of the specified file name must be less than 126 characters.'' If unsuccessful returns Empty' If successful returns an array of strings in the format'        "resourcename: resourcevalue"' if a resource value hasn't been found, the string contains' just the resource name, and you can filter out these items' using the following statement'      resources() = Filter(GetFileVersionData(FileName), ":")'' Usage:'     Dim res As Variant, i As Long'     res = GetFileVersionData(FileName)'     If IsArray(res) Then'         For i = LBound(res) To UBound(res)'             Debug.Print res(i)'         Next'     End IfFunction GetFileVersionData(ByVal FileName As String) As Variant    Dim length As Long    Dim handle As Long    Dim buffer As String    Dim index As Long    Dim pos As Long        ' get the size of the version info block    ' (handle is always set to zero by the function    length = GetFileVersionInfoSize(FileName, handle)    If length = 0 Then Exit Function        ' create the buffer (these are Unicode chars)    buffer = Space$(length)        ' get version information (2nd argument is ignored)    If GetFileVersionInfo(FileName, handle, length, ByVal StrPtr(buffer)) = 0 _        Then        ' a zero return value means error        Exit Function    End If        ' extract version information out of the buffer    ' IMPORTANT: it doesn't use the official APIs, instead    ' it uses euristics to extract the strings, and might    ' fail under some circumstances        ' create an array with the names of all the standard resources    Dim res() As String    res() = Split("CompanyName;FileDescription;FileVersion;InternalName;" & _        "LegalCopyright;OriginalFilename;ProductName;ProductVersion;" & _        "Comments;LegalTrademarks;PrivateBuild;SpecialBuild", ";")        ' repeat for all the standard resources    For index = 0 To UBound(res)        pos = InStr(buffer, res(index))        If pos Then            ' skip over the resource name            pos = pos + Len(res(index)) + 1            ' if this is a null char, skip over it            If Mid$(buffer, pos, 1) = vbNullChar Then pos = pos + 1                        ' extract the null terminated string and            ' append it to the resource name            res(index) = res(index) & ": " & Mid$(buffer, pos, InStr(pos, _                buffer, vbNullChar) - pos)        End If    Next        GetFileVersionData = res()    End Function

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