
MakeModalForm – Make a modeless form modal

MakeModalForm – Make a modeless form modal

' make a modeless form modal'' this procedure should be called by passing TRUE' in the 2nd argument to make the form modal, and' called again with FALSE in the 2nd argument when' the form is being unloaded.'' Private Sub Form_Load()'    MakeModalForm Me, True' End Sub' Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)'    MakeModalForm Me, False' End SubSub MakeModalForm(frm As Form, ByVal State As Boolean)    Static saveForms As Collection    Dim f As Form    If State Then        ' disable all other forms in the project        ' but remember which were enabled        Set saveForms = New Collection        For Each f In Forms            If Not (f Is frm) And frm.enabled Then                saveForms.Add f                f.enabled = False            End If        Next    ElseIf Not (saveForms Is Nothing) Then        ' restore the Enabled property of other forms        For Each f In saveForms            f.enabled = True        Next        Set saveForms = Nothing    End IfEnd Sub

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