
IsPrime – Determine whether a number is prime

IsPrime – Determine whether a number is prime

' Return True if the number is primeFunction IsPrime(ByVal number As Long) As Boolean    ' manually test 2 and 3    If number > 3 Then        If number Mod 2 = 0 Then Exit Function        If number Mod 3 = 0 Then Exit Function    End If    ' we can now avoid to consider multiples    ' of 2 and 3. This can be done really simply    ' by starting at 5 and incrementing by 2 and 4    ' alternatively, that is:    '    5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37, ...    Dim divisor As Long    Dim increment As Long    Dim maxDivisor As Long        divisor = 5    increment = 2    ' we don't need to go higher than the square    ' root of the number    maxDivisor = Sqr(number) + 1        Do Until divisor > maxDivisor        If number Mod divisor = 0 Then Exit Function        divisor = divisor + increment        ' this modifies 2 into 4 and viceversa        increment = 6 - increment    Loop        ' if we get here, the number is prime    IsPrime = True    End Function

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