
InStrRev – A replacement for VB6’s InStrRev under VB4 and VB5

InStrRev – A replacement for VB6’s InStrRev under VB4 and VB5

' A replacement for the InStrRev function under VB4 and VB5'' NOTE: uses the StrReverse functionFunction InStrRev(ByVal Text As String, Search As String, _    Optional ByVal Start As Long = -1, Optional ByVal CompareMethod As _    VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) As Long    Dim Index As Long    ' reverse the source strings,    ' so that we can use regular InStr    Text = StrReverse(Text)    Search = StrReverse(Search)    ' we must "reverse" Start too    If Start < 0 Then        Start = 1    Else        Start = Len(Text) + 1 - Start    End If        Index = InStr(Start, Text, Search, CompareMethod)    If Index Then        ' adjust the result        InStrRev = Len(Text) - Index - Len(Search) + 2    End IfEnd Function

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