
TileBitmap – Tile a bitmap using the PaintPicture method

TileBitmap – Tile a bitmap using the PaintPicture method

' Tile a bitmap to a form or a Bitmap box'' Target can be a Form or a BitmapBox control' Bitmap can be the Bitmap property of a PictureBox or an Image control,' or the return value of a LoadPicture function'' Example: TileBitmap Form1, LoadPicture("C:myimage.bmp")Sub TileBitmap(Target As Object, Bitmap As StdPicture)    Dim x As Single    Dim y As Single    Dim bmpWidth As Single    Dim bmpHeight As Single    ' get Bitmap's size, in the coordinate system    ' of the target Form or BitmapBox    bmpWidth = Target.ScaleX(Bitmap.Width, vbHimetric, Target.ScaleMode)    bmpHeight = Target.ScaleY(Bitmap.Height, vbHimetric, Target.ScaleMode)        ' tile the Bitmap    For x = 0 To Target.Width Step bmpWidth        For y = 0 To Target.Height Step bmpHeight            Target.PaintPicture Bitmap, x, y        Next    NextEnd Sub

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