
IsExecFile – Check whether a file is an executable file

IsExecFile – Check whether a file is an executable file

'check whether the specified file is an executable,'  by checking the last 4 characters.'Example: MsgBox "File is exe: " & IsExecFile("C:windows
otepad.exe")Function IsExecFile(ByVal sFileName As String) As Boolean    Dim sExt As String    On Error Resume Next    ' first of all, check if the file exists    If Not (GetAttr(sFileName) And vbDirectory) = 0 Then Exit Function    ' check the last 4 charatcters    sExt = LCase$(Right$(sFileName, 4))    ' exe extensions: .exe, .bat, .com, .pif    IsExecFile = (sExt = ".exe") Or (sExt = ".com") Or (sExt = ".bat") Or (sExt _        = ".pif")End Function

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