
ShowNetworkPrinterConnectionDialog – Connect or disconnect a printer

ShowNetworkPrinterConnectionDialog – Connect or disconnect a printer

Private Declare Function WNetConnectionDialog Lib "mpr.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _    ByVal dwType As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function WNetDisconnectDialog Lib "mpr.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _    ByVal dwType As Long) As Long ' Show the dialog to connect/disconnect a network printer' If the argument is True it shows the ConnectDialog,'  otherwise it shows the Disconnect dialog' the second argument is the hWnd of the parent dialog'' The function returns False if the dialog is canceled, True otherwise.Function ShowNetworkPrinterConnectionDialog(ByVal ConnectDialog As Boolean, _    Optional ByVal hwnd As Long) As Boolean    Const RESOURCETYPE_PRINT = &H2    If ConnectDialog Then        ShowNetworkPrinterConnectionDialog = (WNetConnectionDialog(hwnd, _            RESOURCETYPE_PRINT) = 0)    Else        ShowNetworkPrinterConnectionDialog = (WNetDisconnectDialog(hwnd, _            RESOURCETYPE_PRINT) = 0)    End IfEnd Function      

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