DrawBorder – Draw a raised/bump/etched/sunken border

DrawBorder – Draw a raised/bump/etched/sunken border

Option ExplicitPrivate Type RECT    Left As Long    Top As Long    Right As Long    Bottom As LongEnd TypePrivate Enum mbBorderTypeConstants    mbRaised = 0    mbSunken = 1    mbEtched = 2    mbBump = 3End Enum'draw a raised/bump/etched/sunken border at given coordinatesPrivate Sub DrawBorder(Target As Object, rcBorder As RECT, _    Optional ByVal BorderType As mbBorderTypeConstants = mbRaised, _    Optional ByVal BorderWidth As Long = 1, Optional ByVal HighLightColor As _    OLE_COLOR = vb3DHighlight, Optional ByVal ShadowColor As OLE_COLOR = _    vb3DShadow)        Dim HOffset As Long, VOffset As Long    Dim iOldScaleMode As Integer, iOldDrawWidth As Integer    Dim TPPX As Long, TPPY As Long, i As Integer    Dim rc As RECT        On Error Resume Next    'save the current target's ScaleMode and DrawWidth    iOldScaleMode = Target.ScaleMode    iOldDrawWidth = Target.DrawWidth    'save the values to convert from pixels to twips    TPPX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX    TPPY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY    'convert rect coords from pixels to twips    rc.Left = rcBorder.Left * TPPX    rc.Right = rcBorder.Right * TPPX    rc.Top = rcBorder.Top * TPPY    rc.Bottom = rcBorder.Bottom * TPPY    'change the target's ScaleMode (vbTwips) and DrawWidth    Target.ScaleMode = vbTwips    Target.DrawWidth = BorderWidth    Select Case BorderType        Case Is = mbRaised, mbSunken            Target.DrawWidth = 1            For i = 1 To BorderWidth                Target.Line (rc.Left + HOffset, rc.Top + VOffset)-(rc.Left + _                    HOffset, rc.Bottom - VOffset), IIf(BorderType = mbRaised, _                    HighLightColor, ShadowColor)                Target.Line (rc.Left + HOffset, rc.Top + VOffset)-(rc.Right - _                    HOffset, rc.Top + VOffset), IIf(BorderType = mbRaised, _                    HighLightColor, ShadowColor)                Target.Line (rc.Right - HOffset - TPPX, _                    rc.Top + VOffset)-(rc.Right - HOffset - TPPX, _                    rc.Bottom - VOffset), IIf(BorderType = mbRaised, _                    ShadowColor, HighLightColor)                Target.Line (rc.Left + HOffset, rc.Bottom - VOffset - TPPY)- _                    (rc.Right - HOffset, rc.Bottom - VOffset - TPPY), _                    IIf(BorderType = mbRaised, ShadowColor, HighLightColor)                HOffset = HOffset + TPPX                VOffset = VOffset + TPPY            Next                    Case Is = mbEtched, mbBump            HOffset = -Int(-(BorderWidth / 2)) * TPPX            VOffset = -Int(-(BorderWidth / 2)) * TPPY            If BorderWidth = 1 Then                TPPX = 0                TPPY = 0            End If            Target.Line (rc.Left + HOffset + TPPX, rc.Top + VOffset + TPPY)- _                (rc.Right - HOffset, rc.Bottom - VOffset), _                IIf(BorderType = mbEtched, HighLightColor, ShadowColor), B            Target.Line (rc.Left + TPPX, rc.Top + TPPY)-(rc.Right - 2 * HOffset, _                rc.Bottom - 2 * VOffset), IIf(BorderType = mbEtched, _                ShadowColor, HighLightColor), B    End Select    'restore the old values for the target's ScaleMode and ScaleWidth properties    Target.ScaleMode = iOldScaleMode    Target.DrawWidth = iOldDrawWidthEnd Sub'samplePrivate Sub Form_Load()    Dim rc As RECT    rc.Left = 10    rc.Top = 10    rc.Bottom = 110    rc.Right = 110    DrawBorder Me, rc, mbRaised, 2    rc.Left = 20    rc.Top = 20    rc.Bottom = 100    rc.Right = 100    DrawBorder Me, rc, mbSunken, 2        rc.Left = 150    rc.Top = 10    rc.Bottom = 110    rc.Right = 250    DrawBorder Me, rc, mbEtched, 2    rc.Left = 160    rc.Top = 20    rc.Bottom = 100    rc.Right = 240    DrawBorder Me, rc, mbBump, 2End Sub


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