
GetDirectorySize – Evaluate disk space used by files and subdirectories

GetDirectorySize – Evaluate disk space used by files and subdirectories

' Retrieve the number of bytes by all the files in a directory' (it doesn't account for slack space, that is unused space in disk sectors)'' If INCLUDESUBDIRS is true, it recursively parses all subdirectories.'' supports only up to 2G directories.Function GetDirectorySize(ByVal Path As String, Optional includeSubdirs As _    Boolean) As Long    Dim fileInfo() As Variant    Dim i As Integer        ' Ensure that the path ends with a backslash    If Right(Path, 1) <> "" Then Path = Path & ""        ' Get the list of files    fileInfo() = GetFilesInfo(Path & "*.*")    ' sum size of files    For i = 1 To UBound(fileInfo, 2)        GetDirectorySize = GetDirectorySize + fileInfo(1, i)    Next        If includeSubdirs Then        ' Get the list of subdirectories.        fileInfo() = GetFilesInfo(Path & "*.*", True)                ' Recursive call this routine for all subdirectories        For i = 1 To UBound(fileInfo, 2)            GetDirectorySize = GetDirectorySize + GetDirectorySize(Path & _                fileInfo(0, i), True)        Next    End If    End Function

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