
Encode/Decode – Two routines for ASP encryption

Encode/Decode – Two routines for ASP encryption

' These two VBScript routines can be use to encrypt data passed on the ' querystring, ' so that users can't decode what is being passed between ASP pages.' USE: sField = Decode(request.querystring(encode("sParm")))Function Decode(sIn)    dim x, y, abfrom, abto    Decode="": ABFrom = ""    For x = 0 To 25: ABFrom = ABFrom & Chr(65 + x): Next     For x = 0 To 25: ABFrom = ABFrom & Chr(97 + x): Next     For x = 0 To 9: ABFrom = ABFrom & CStr(x): Next     abto = Mid(abfrom, 14, Len(abfrom) - 13) & Left(abfrom, 13)    For x=1 to Len(sin): y=InStr(abto, Mid(sin, x, 1))        If y = 0 then            Decode = Decode & Mid(sin, x, 1)        Else            Decode = Decode & Mid(abfrom, y, 1)        End If    NextEnd Function' USE: location.href="nextpage.asp?" & encode("sParm=" & sData)Function Encode(sIn)    dim x, y, abfrom, abto    Encode="": ABFrom = ""    For x = 0 To 25: ABFrom = ABFrom & Chr(65 + x): Next     For x = 0 To 25: ABFrom = ABFrom & Chr(97 + x): Next     For x = 0 To 9: ABFrom = ABFrom & CStr(x): Next     abto = Mid(abfrom, 14, Len(abfrom) - 13) & Left(abfrom, 13)    For x=1 to Len(sin): y = InStr(abfrom, Mid(sin, x, 1))        If y = 0 Then             Encode = Encode & Mid(sin, x, 1)        Else             Encode = Encode & Mid(abto, y, 1)        End If    NextEnd Function 

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