
GetDelimitedText – Extract the text between open and close delimiters

GetDelimitedText – Extract the text between open and close delimiters

' get the text enclosed between two Delimiters'' it advances Index after the close delimiter' Returns "" and Index = -1 if not found' search is case sensitive' ' For example:'   Dim source As String = " a sentence with (a word) in parenthesis"'   Dim i As Integer = 0'   Console.WriteLine( GetDelimitedText(source, "(", ")", i) )' displays "a word" and sets "i" pointing after the ")" charFunction GetDelimitedText(ByVal Text As String, ByVal OpenDelimiter As String, _    ByVal CloseDelimiter As String, ByRef index As Integer) As String    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer    If index < 0 Then index = 0    ' search the opening mark    i = Text.IndexOf(OpenDelimiter, index)    If i < 0 Then        index = -1        Exit Function    End If    i = i + OpenDelimiter.Length    ' search the closing mark    j = Text.IndexOf(CloseDelimiter, i)    If j < 0 Then        index = -1        Exit Function    End If    ' get the text between the two Delimiters    GetDelimitedText = Text.Substring(i, j - i)    ' advance the index after the closing Delimiter    index = j + CloseDelimiter.LengthEnd Function

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