
CreateDataReader – Create a DataReader over any connection

CreateDataReader – Create a DataReader over any connection

' return a DataReader over a generic Connection'' CN is the OleDbConnect or SqlConnection object' SQL is the SQL Select statement to be executed'' if closed, the connection will be opened and then closed on exit' any exception is returned to the callerFunction CreateDataReader(ByVal cn As System.Data.IDbConnection, _    ByVal sql As String) As System.Data.IDataReader    Dim cmdBehavior As CommandBehavior = CommandBehavior.Default    ' open the connection if necessary    If (cn.State And ConnectionState.Open) = 0 Then        ' open the connection if closed        cn.Open()        ' close it automatically when the DataReader is disposed        cmdBehavior = CommandBehavior.CloseConnection    End If    ' prepare the SQL SELECT command    Dim cmd As System.Data.IDbCommand = cn.CreateCommand()    cmd.CommandText = sql    ' create a DataReader - enforce the desired behavior    Dim dr As System.Data.IDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(cmdBehavior)    ' dispose the Command object and return the result    cmd.Dispose()    Return drEnd Function

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