
ArrayInsertElement – Inserting an element in any type of array

ArrayInsertElement – Inserting an element in any type of array

' A generic routine that inserts an element in any type of array.' Example: inserting an entry of value 5 between the 1st and 2nd entry of the ' array arr'     ArrayInsertElement(arr, 1, 5)Sub ArrayInsertElement(ByVal arr As Array, ByVal index As Integer, _    Optional ByVal newValue As Object = Nothing)    ' shift elements from arr(index) to arr(index+1) to make room.    Array.Copy(arr, index, arr, index + 1, arr.Length - index - 1)    ' Assign the element using the SetValue method    arr.SetValue(newValue, index)End Sub' Note: this code is taken from Francesco Balena's "Programming Microsoft ' Visual Basic .NET" book (MS Press 2002)

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