
IsLanguageSupported – Detecting whether a language is supported by the browser

IsLanguageSupported – Detecting whether a language is supported by the browser

' Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified language is supported' by the client browser. The language string can specify also a sub-language or' a country, e.g. fr-CA to identify the Canadian French, or it can just be' fr for general French. The second parameter specify whether the sub-languages' will be accepted if you just specify the main language. For example,'  if the browser' supports fr-CA, and you search for fr, the function returns True if you pass' True as second parameter, and False otherwiseFunction IsLanguageSupported(ByVal lang As String, ByVal includeSubLanguage As _    Boolean) As Boolean    Dim i As Integer    For i = 0 To Request.UserLanguages.Length - 1        Dim currLang As String = context.Current.Request.UserLanguages(i)        If includeSubLanguage Then            If currLang.StartsWith(lang) Then Return True        Else            If currLang = lang OrElse currLang.StartsWith(lang & ";") Then _                Return True        End If    Next iEnd Function

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