
CreateConnString – Using the OLEDB dialog to create an OLEDB connection string

CreateConnString – Using the OLEDB dialog to create an OLEDB connection string

' This function opens the OLEDB dialog to create an OLEDB connection string,'  and return the selection' It requires the OLEDB Service Component 1.0 Type Library to workPublic Function CreateConnString(Optional ByVal parentForm As Form = Nothing) _    As String    Dim dataLink As Object = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.CreateObject _        ("DataLinks")    'On Error Resume Next    Dim handle As Integer = 0    If Not parentForm Is Nothing Then        handle = parentForm.Handle.ToInt32()    End If    ' the following statement makes the property modal respect to the current     ' form    dataLink.hWnd = handle    ' display the dialog    Dim o As Object = dataLink.PromptNew()    If o Is Nothing Then Return "" Else Return o.ConnectionString.ToString()End Function

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