' Returns whether a SQL Server DB with the specified name is present' The first param must be a valid connection string to the 'master' database' Requires Imports System.Data.SqlClient'' Example:' Debug.WriteLine(IsSqlServerDatabasePresent( ' "server=(local); ' Database=master; user id=sa; password=;", "CodeBoxLib"))Function IsSqlServerDatabasePresent(ByVal masterConnString As String, _ ByVal dbName As String) As Boolean Dim cn As New SqlConnection(masterConnString) ' count the databases with the specified name Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysdatabases WHERE " _ & "[name]='" & dbName & "'", cn) cn.Open() Dim count As Integer = CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), Integer) cn.Close() ' return True if a record is found Return (count > 0)End Function