
MoveListboxItem – Moving an item of a listbox to another index

MoveListboxItem – Moving an item of a listbox to another index

' Moves an item of a listbox to another index' If FROMINDEX = -1 then it moves the current highlighted item' ' Example:'   ' move up the selected item'   MoveListboxItem(ListBox1, -1, ListBox1.SelectedIndex - 1)'   ' move down the selected item'   MoveListboxItem(ListBox1, -1, ListBox1.SelectedIndex + 1)Sub MoveListboxItem(ByVal ctl As ListBox, ByVal fromIndex As Integer, _    ByVal toIndex As Integer)    If fromIndex = toIndex Then Exit Sub    ' provide a default    If fromIndex < 0 Then fromIndex = ctl.SelectedIndex    ' exit if argument not in range    If toIndex < 0 Or toIndex > ctl.Items.Count - 1 Then Exit Sub    With ctl        ' save the data of the current item        Dim data As Object = .Items(fromIndex)        ' remove the item        .Items.RemoveAt(fromIndex)        ' add the item        .Items.Insert(toIndex, data)        ' select the new item        .SelectedIndex = toIndex    End WithEnd Sub

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