
IsSystemFontSmall – Checking whether the system is using small fonts

IsSystemFontSmall – Checking whether the system is using small fonts

 Shared Function _    GetDesktopWindow() As IntegerEnd Function Shared Function GetDC _    (ByVal hWnd As Integer) As IntegerEnd Function Shared Function _    GetDeviceCaps(ByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer) As IntegerEnd Function Shared Function ReleaseDC _    (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal hDC As Integer) As IntegerEnd Function    ' Returns a boolean indicating whether ths system is using small fontsFunction IsSystemFontSmall() As Boolean    Const LOGPIXELSX = 88    ' get its device context    Dim hDC As Integer = GetDC(GetDesktopWindow())    ' if the number of pixels per logical inch is = 96    ' then Windows is using small system font    IsSystemFontSmall = (GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX) = 96)    ' release the device context    ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow(), hDC)End Function

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