
StartsWith – Check whether a string starts with one of multiple possible choices

StartsWith – Check whether a string starts with one of multiple possible choices

' Check whether a string starts with one of multiple possible choices.' Return -1 if no possible string matches the start of the source,'  otherwise return the index of the matching string.'' Examples:'    Debug.WriteLine(StartsWith("This is my test line", True, "this",'  "that")) ' => -1'    Debug.WriteLine(StartsWith("This is my test line", True, "That",'  "This")) ' => 1'    Debug.WriteLine(StartsWith("This is my test line", False, "this",'  "that")) ' => 0'    Debug.WriteLine(StartsWith("This is my test line", False, "That",'  "Those")) ' => -1Function StartsWith(ByVal source As String, ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean, _    ByVal ParamArray parts() As String) As Integer    Dim i As Integer    For i = 0 To parts.Length - 1        Dim part As String = parts(i)        If caseSensitive Then            If source.StartsWith(part) Then Return i        Else            If source.ToLower().StartsWith(part.ToLower()) Then Return i        End If    Next    ' if we get here, the source does not start with one of the possible     ' choices, so return -1    Return -1End Function

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