
SetCommandsTransaction – Assign a transaction to the DataAdapter’s commands

SetCommandsTransaction – Assign a transaction to the DataAdapter’s commands

' Assign the same transaction to the Update/Delete/Insert commands of all the ' OleDb/SqlAdapters passed in input' Note: all the DataAdapters must be of the same type (OleDb or Sql)' Note: requires Imports System.Data.OleDb and Imports System.Data.SqlClient'' Example: SetCommandsTransaction(tran, da1, da1)Sub SetCommandsTransaction(ByVal tran As IDbTransaction, _    ByVal ParamArray adapters() As IDataAdapter)    If adapters.Length = 0 Then Return    If TypeOf adapters(0) Is OleDbDataAdapter Then        Dim daOledb As OleDbDataAdapter        For Each daOledb In adapters            If Not daOledb.UpdateCommand Is Nothing Then _                daOledb.UpdateCommand.Transaction = tran            If Not daOledb.InsertCommand Is Nothing Then _                daOledb.InsertCommand.Transaction = tran            If Not daOledb.DeleteCommand Is Nothing Then _                daOledb.DeleteCommand.Transaction = tran        Next    ElseIf TypeOf adapters(0) Is SqlDataAdapter Then        Dim daSql As SqlDataAdapter        For Each daSql In adapters            If Not daSql.UpdateCommand Is Nothing Then _                daSql.UpdateCommand.Transaction = tran            If Not daSql.InsertCommand Is Nothing Then _                daSql.InsertCommand.Transaction = tran            If Not daSql.DeleteCommand Is Nothing Then _                daSql.DeleteCommand.Transaction = tran        Next    End IfEnd Sub

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