
SingularToPlural – Converting the input word from singular to plural

SingularToPlural – Converting the input word from singular to plural

' Convert the input word from singular to pluralFunction SingularToPlural(ByVal singular As String) As String    ' convert to lowercase for easier comparison    Dim lower As String = singular.ToLower()    Dim res As String    ' rule out a few exceptions    If lower = "foot" Then        res = "Feet"    ElseIf lower = "goose" Then        res = "Geese"    ElseIf lower = "man" Then        res = "Men"    ElseIf lower = "woman" Then        res = "Women"    ElseIf lower = "criterion" Then        res = "Criteria"        ' plural uses "ies" if word ends with "y" preceeded by a non-vowel    ElseIf lower.EndsWith("y") AndAlso "aeiou".IndexOf(lower.Substring _        (lower.Length - 2, 1)) < 0 Then        res = singular.Substring(0, singular.Length - 1) + "ies"    Else        res = singular + "s"    End If    ' the result must preserve the original word's capitalization    If singular = lower Then        Return res.ToLower()   ' it was an all-lowercase word    ElseIf singular = singular.ToUpper() Then        Return res.ToUpper()    ' it was an all-uppercase word    Else        Return res    ' return whatever is in "res"    End IfEnd Function

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