
InsertImageIntoRtb – Inserting an image into a RichTextBox

InsertImageIntoRtb – Inserting an image into a RichTextBox

' Insert an image into a RichTextBox, in the current position'' This version takes in input the target RichTextBox and the path of the image ' to insert' Example: InsertImageIntoRtb(RichTextBox1, "C:	est.jpg")Sub InsertImageIntoRtb(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox, ByVal imgPath As String)    Dim img As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(imgPath)    InsertImageIntoRtb(rtb, img)End Sub' This version takes in input the target RichTextBox and the already-loaded ' image to insert' Example: InsertImageIntoRtb(RichTextBox1, PictureBox1.Image)Sub InsertImageIntoRtb(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox, ByVal img As Image)    Clipboard.SetDataObject(img)    rtb.Paste()End Sub

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