
ArrayCountOccurrences – Count the occurrences of a string within the input array

ArrayCountOccurrences – Count the occurrences of a string within the input array

' Return the number of occurrences found in the input array,'  with the specified search options'' Example:'   Dim arr As String() = {"this is a string for my test", "test number 2",'  "another String", "do you like this string?", "I like running tests"}'   Debug.WriteLine("Number of occurrences for ""string"": " & '       ' ArrayCountOccurrences(arr, "string", 0, True, False)) ' => 2Function ArrayCountOccurrences(ByVal arr As String(), _    ByVal search As String) As Integer    Return ArrayCountOccurrences(arr, search, arr.GetLowerBound(0))End Function' this overloaded version allows you to specify also the array's index to start ' fromFunction ArrayCountOccurrences(ByVal arr As String(), ByVal search As String, _    ByVal startIndex As Integer) As Integer    Return ArrayCountOccurrences(arr, search, startIndex, True)End Function' this overloaded version allows you to specify also whether the search is case-' sensitiveFunction ArrayCountOccurrences(ByVal arr As String(), ByVal search As String, _    ByVal startIndex As Integer, ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean) As Integer    Return ArrayCountOccurrences(arr, search, startIndex, caseSensitive, True)End Function' this overloaded version allows you to specify also whether only exact matches ' are validFunction ArrayCountOccurrences(ByVal arr As String(), ByVal search As String, _    ByVal startIndex As Integer, ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean, _    ByVal exactMatch As Boolean) As Integer    Dim count As Integer = 0    Dim i As Integer = startIndex - 1    ' keep calling the ArrayIndexOf function with the startIndex of the last     ' occurrence's index + 1, until it returns -1    Do        i = ArrayIndexOf(arr, search, i + 1, caseSensitive, exactMatch)        If i > -1 Then count += 1    Loop While i > -1    Return countEnd Function

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