
SetListSelections – Select in a List control the items passed as a comma delimited list

SetListSelections – Select in a List control the items passed as a comma delimited list

' Select the specified items (passed as a comma delimited list) in the input ' List control (e.g. ListBox, CheckBoxList)' ' Example:' SetListSelections(CheckBoxList1, "item 3, item 5, item 6")Sub SetListSelections(ByVal listCtl As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl, _    ByVal selections As String)    ' first reset the list's selections    For Each item As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem In listCtl.Items        item.Selected = False    Next    ' replace the ", " separator with a single char separator,    '  so that the string's Split method can be used    selections = selections.Replace(", ", "*")    ' split the string in an array of items to select    Dim itemsToSelect As String() = selections.Split("*"c)    ' search each item, and if found, select it    For Each itemToSelect As String In itemsToSelect        Dim item As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem = _            listCtl.Items.FindByValue(itemToSelect)        If Not item Is Nothing Then item.Selected = True    NextEnd Sub

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