
GetSelectedRadioButtonValue – Retrieving the value of the selected RadioButton

GetSelectedRadioButtonValue – Retrieving the value of the selected RadioButton

' Return the Tag value of the selected RadioButton from the input array of ' controls.' This is useful when you have many radio buttons, with a value associated to ' each one, and want to select the value of the checked option. Instead of ' writing something like this:'    If RadioButton1.Checked Then'       myVal = 10'    ElseIf RadioButton2.Checked Then'       myVal = 20'    ElseIf RadioButton3.Checked Then'       myVal = 30'    End If' you can set the radiobuttons' Tag property to 10, 20 and 30 respectively,'  and then write:'    myVal = GetSelectedRadioButtonValue(RadioButton1, RadioButton2,'  RadioButton3)Function GetSelectedRadioButtonValue(ByVal ParamArray radioButtons As _    RadioButton()) As Object    For Each btn As RadioButton In radioButtons        If btn.Checked Then Return btn.Tag    NextEnd Function

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