
Return the Absolute File Path of a Class

Return the Absolute File Path of a Class

This code retrieves the local absolute path of the class file containing the specified class name, as prescribed by the current classpath.

import;public class FilePath {  public static String getFilePath(String className) {    if (!className.startsWith("/")) {	className = "/" + className;    }	className = className.replace('.', '/');	className = className + ".class";	URL classUrl = new FilePath().getClass().getResource(className);	if (classUrl != null) {           String temp = classUrl.getFile();  	      if (temp.startsWith("file:")) {		  return temp.substring(5);	       }		  return temp;		} else {		  return "
Class '" + className + "' not found in 
'" +				   System.getProperty("java.class.path") + "'";		}	}    }}

Call this method like FilePath.getFilePath(“packagename.classname”). This returns the absolute file path of the class.

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