
Synchronize Color Changes Between Controls in a Windows Form

Synchronize Color Changes Between Controls in a Windows Form

This tip shows how binding Windows Forms controls to each other can reduce the code and logic needed to synchronize color changes between controls in a Windows Form. This technique can also be used to implement ‘themes’ for Windows forms.

CODE EXAMPLE: Keep the BackColor of three Button’s sychnronized through bindings. Three buttons are used in the example; Button1, Button2, and Button3.

1. Set the BackColor of Button1 then bind Button1‘s BackColor to Button2 and Button1‘s BackColor to Button3.

' Set the BackColor property of Button1 to LightBlue.Me.Button1.BackColor = Color.LightBlue' Bind the BackColor property of Button2 to Button1's BackColorproperty.Me.Button2.DataBindings.Add("Backcolor", Me.Button1, "BackColor")' Bind the BackColor property of Button3 to Button1's  BackColorpropery. Me.Button3.DataBindings.Add("Backcolor", Me.Button2, "BackColor")

2. To change the BackColor of all three buttons at the same time change Button1‘s BackColor. Being bound to Button1‘s BackColor, the BackColor of Button2 and Button3 will sycnchronize to Button1‘s BackColor.

' Change Button1's BackColor to Blue' Because Button2 and Button3 BackColors are bound to Button1's BackColor, their BackColor ischanged too.Me.Button1.BackColor = Color.Blue
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