
Connect to the DB for Multiple .cgi Web Services with PERL

Connect to the DB for Multiple .cgi Web Services with PERL

Most Web-based Perl applications use more than five .cgi Perl scripts. Instead of typing all the DBI information in the script, I created a function you can use that gets the information from a .dat file on the server, and parses it for the DBI.

It’s much more secure, since you’re not hand-typing DB login information on the script.

Here is the package script:

################ #####################################################3#!c:/perl/bin/perl.exepackage connectsql;use Exporter;our @ISA = qw (Exporter);our @EXPORT = qw (connectsql $config{'dbUser'} $config{'dbServer'} $config{'dbPass'} $config{'datasource'});sub connectsql{use DBI; our $a; our $b; our $c; our $d; our %config; open FILE, "config.dat" or die "Can not open file.txt $!
"; while () {    chomp;      ($a,$b,$c,$d) = split(/:/); } $config{'dbServer'} = $b; $config{'dbUser'} = $a; $config{'dbPass'} = $d; $config{'dbName'} = $c; $config{'dataSource'} = "DBI:mysql:$config{'dbName'}:$config{'dbServer'}"; our $dbh = DBI->connect($config{'dataSource'},$config{'dbUser'},$config{'dbPass'}) || die"error"; 		 }

Now, all you need to do is add this to your code before the DBI connection:

...........require "";&connectsql::connectsql();my $dbh = DBI->connect($connectsql::config{'dataSource'},$connectsql::config{'dbUser'},$connectsql::config{'dbPass'}) || die"error"; 	............

The config.dat file is easy:

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