Avoid Pointer Derefencing Hell with Performance Applied Programming

Have you ever had code like this?

for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_iNumElements ; i++ ){   m_fVector[i] = m_pcFrustum->m_psViewProj->m_psProjection->m_someArray[i];{

This can be very frustrating. For every iteration, the long deferencing will commence. This can be easily optimized to produce more efficient code, like this:

float* pmatProjection = m_pcFrustum->m_psViewProj->m_psProjection->m_someArray;for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_iNumElements ; ++i ){   m_fVector[i] = pmatProjection[i];}

Even better, if it's applicable, you can add this as this is a linear, incremental loop:

float* pmatProjection = m_pcFrustum->m_psViewProj->m_psProjection->m_someArray;for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_iNumElements ; ++i, ++pmatProjection ){   m_fVector[i] = *pmatProjection;}

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