
Use Oracle’s VARRAY Through JDBC

Use Oracle’s VARRAY Through JDBC

This code snippet demonstrates how to use Oracle’s VARRAY through JDBC. The code:

  1. Creates VARRAYs of different lengths.
  2. Contains a table to store data of above array type.
  3. Stores the objects in an array.
  4. Inserts them into database table in two different ways (with SQL and ArrayDescriptor).
import java.sql.*;import oracle.sql.*;import oracle.jdbc.oracore.Util;import oracle.jdbc.*;public class VArrayManipulation{  public static void main (String args[])    throws Exception  {    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver());    // The sample retrieves an varray of type "STRING_VARRAY",    // materializes the object as an object of type ARRAY.    // A new ARRAY is then inserted into the database.    String url = "";    // Connect to the database    Connection conn =      DriverManager.getConnection (url, "" , "");    conn.setAutoCommit (false);    // Create a Statement    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();    try    {      stmt.execute ("DROP TABLE sample_varray_table");      stmt.execute ("DROP TYPE string_varray");    }    catch (SQLException e)    {        //Exceptions will be thrown if Table and types doesnt exist . Ignore this    }    stmt.execute ("CREATE TYPE string_varray AS VARRAY(10) OF VARCHAR2(100)");    stmt.execute ("CREATE TABLE sample_varray_table (acol string_varray)");    //Insert using SQL    stmt.execute ("INSERT INTO sample_varray_table VALUES (string_varray('Test1', 'Test2'))");    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT acol FROM sample_varray_table");    printResultSet (rs);    //Insert using ArrayDescriptor    // create a new ARRAY object    String arrayElements[] = { "Test3", "Test4" };    ArrayDescriptor desc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor                                           ("STRING_VARRAY", conn);    ARRAY newArray = new ARRAY(desc, conn, arrayElements);    PreparedStatement ps =      conn.prepareStatement ("insert into sample_varray_table values (?)");    ((OraclePreparedStatement)ps).setARRAY (1, newArray);    ps.execute ();    rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT acol FROM sample_varray_table");    printResultSet (rs);    // Close all the resources    rs.close();    ps.close();    stmt.close();    conn.close();  }  public static void printResultSet (ResultSet rs)    throws SQLException  {    System.out.println("********Fetch Starts....********");    int line = 0;    while (    {      line++;      System.out.println("********Row "+line+" : ");      ARRAY array = ((OracleResultSet)rs).getARRAY (1);      System.out.println ("Array is of type "+array.getSQLTypeName());      System.out.println ("Array is of length "+array.length());      // get Array elements      String[] values = (String[]) array.getArray();      for (int i=0; i

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