
A Better Way to Validate a Node Checkbox in a Treeview

A Better Way to Validate a Node Checkbox in a Treeview

You cannot change the value of a nodes checkbox in the event treeview_NodeCheck as explained in this tip. Besides that, the event doesn’t fire at all when clicking a nodes checkbox and dragging the mouse out of the treeview before releasing your mousebutton.

The following code is a decent work-around:

Private Sub treeview_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)    Dim objNode As MSComctlLib.Node    Set objNode = treeview.HitTest(x, y)    If Not objNode Is Nothing Then Set treeview.SelectedItem = objNodeEnd SubPrivate Sub treeview_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)    'Do whatever validation you want on treeview.SelectedItem    'You might want to check here for a not set SelectedItemEnd Sub
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