
Why “insufficient privileges” error when creating profile for Oracle database?

Why “insufficient privileges” error when creating profile for Oracle database?

When I do a connect within my open application script, I geta successful connect to Oracle 7.3. When I try to create a PowerBuilder profile forthis same database, I receive the error

“ORA-01031 insufficient privileges.”
Any idea what’s happening?

When PowerBuilder connects to a database, it checks to see if thePowerBuilder repository exists in the database. If the repository cannotbe found, PowerBuilder executes a series of SQL commands to create and populate thedatabase.

To create the repository, you must connect as the ownerof the database. If you are not connecting using the DB Owner, you willget the “insufficient privileges” message .

In my place of work, I call up the DBA, who sets the DBApassword to my name. I can then log in using PB and allow it to createthe tables. Then I log out and the DBA resets the password.

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