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HI! I hope you can help me. I’m opening a window with the method, and for the life of me, I can’t get it to be the size I want in NS4.Here’s the code:This works in IE4, but NS4 opens the new window in a full screen. I tried using innerWidth and innerHeight, they didn’t work either. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help!

The problem here is that Navigator is more picky than Internet Explorer when parsing the third, windowFeatures, parameter. You have a space between the comma (,) after the width parameter and the height parameter. This is bad. When Netscape sees this it get all confused.Change your code to“bbimages/” + name + “.html”, “name”, “width=300,height=300”)Finally, as a matter of habit you show make sure that the window was actually opened as a result of your command. Use the following code to do this:newWindow =“bbimages/” + name + “.html”, “name”, “width=300,height=300”)if (newWindow != null) { // do something here with the new window}

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