
Offscreen buffer

Offscreen buffer

I want to create an offscreen buffer in a Java application, but I don’t know how.

You can create an offscreen buffer by usingthe createImage(int,int) in java.awt.Component.This is most commonly done when subclassing theCanvas class. Let’s say you wanted to createa double buffer for the contents of a Canvas.

public class BufferCanvas extends Canvas {  Image doubleBuffer = null;  Graphics bufferGraphics = null;  ...  public void update(Graphics g) {     if(bufferGraphics == null) {        doubleBuffer = createImage(getWidth(), getHeight());        bufferGrahpics = doubleBuffer.getGraphics();    }    // Do your drawing into bufferGraphics, and    // then display with    // g.drawImage(doubleBuffer, 0, 0, this);  }}
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