
Record Retrieveal Using fscanf

Record Retrieveal Using fscanf

If three records have been written to a text file(each record having 3 int fields) and each integer field is seperated by a comma, how do you retrieve only the int values from each record (i.e no character retrieval)and print to screen using fscanf and printf?

For example, the file contains:

The screen output should be:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Although it isn’t used much by C++ developers these days, scanf and fscanf provide a lot of functionality.

My preference would be to read each line into a buffer and then call sscanf. This gives you a little more control. But, given the file format you specified, you could easily read in the contents with the following code:

#include main(){   FILE* f;   int a, b, c;   f = fopen("c:\test.dat", "r");   if (f != NULL) {      while(!feof(f)) {         if (fscanf(f, "%d,%d,%d,
", &a, &b, &c) != 3) {            printf("Syntax error found in file.
");            break;         }         printf("%d %d %d
", a, b, c);      }      fclose(f);   }   return 0;}

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