
Create an Instance of an ActiveX Component

Create an Instance of an ActiveX Component


I am using Visual InterDev to create a data-driven Web application. How do I create an instance of a user-defined ActiveX component in Visual InterDev? I have created an ActiveX DLL component with different classes in Visual Basic. I am creating the instances of these classes in my Global.asa using an Object tag similar to this:

In the application_on start() event, I am using this new object to call its properties and methods. Most of the time it works fine, but sometimes I get the error: “Exception of type ‘Microsoft VBScript runtime error. Class does not support Automation: objMyClass’ was not handled.” Why am I getting this error when the ActiveX DLL is registered properly? I am setting this object to nothing in the Application_onend event.


Try changing your code so that instead of using the tag, you use the CreateObject statement. So this code:


Dim objMyClassSet objMyClass = Server.CreateObject("MyActiveX.CMyClass")

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