
Exchange/Outlook Client Lockup

Exchange/Outlook Client Lockup

I’ve got a mailbox on our Exchange 5.5 server that locks up Outlook 2000 client after running for a period of time. I’ve tried it on multiple machines so as to eliminate Outlook as the culprit. The CPU utilization for Outlook after a period of time spikes to 99%.

Are there any utilities to repair an Exchange mailbox, or do you have any other suggestions for correcting this problem? I’ve reviewed the Microsoft Knowledge Base and don’t see any items that address this issue.

It’s tough to diagnose without more information, but here are the things I’d wonder about:

  • Did the other machines lock up as well? (I’m guessing yes, though you didn’t say.)
  • Does this happen with any other mailboxes?
  • Does this mailbox have a large number of Rules associated with it?
  • Does this mailbox have a lot of items/folders in it?
  • Does the Event Viewer on the Exchange Server show any unusual items or trouble spots?

I’d check those things and see if any of them point to a reason.

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