
A Simple Beginner’s Problem from a Swedish Student

A Simple Beginner’s Problem from a Swedish Student

Facts: Employee(name,salary,boss,department)

Question: Which employees earn more than their boss ?

Please make sure you don’t share the results with your boss! : )

Try the following:

use pubsgocreate table myemployee( name char(30),  salary int,  boss char(30),  department char(15),  constraint pk_employee primary key(name)) goinsert into myemployee (name,salary,boss,department)values ('FRANK',50000,'FRANK','ACCOUNTING')insert into myemployee (name,salary,boss,department)values ('JIM',40000,'FRANK','ACCOUNTING')insert into myemployee (name,salary,boss,department)values ('JOE',70000,'FRANK','ACCOUNTING')insert into myemployee (name,salary,boss,department)values ('HARRY',80000,'HARRY','MIS')insert into myemployee (name,salary,boss,department)values ('TIM',45000,'HARRY','MIS')insert into myemployee (name,salary,boss,department)values ('TOM',90000,'HARRY','MIS')select as 'Employee', e.salary as 'Employee Salary', as 'Boss',    boss.salary as 'Boss Salary'from myemployee e, myemployee bosswheree.boss = ande.salary > boss.salary

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