
Visual Basic 6.0 Versus Visual InterDev 6.0

Visual Basic 6.0 Versus Visual InterDev 6.0


How does Web development with Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual InterDev 6.0 differ? Which tool is better for Web development and why?


Both products can help you arrive at a similar final destination (i.e., dynamically generated pages and DHTML), but I recommend Visual InterDev 6.0 over Visual Basic 6.0 for Web development. The story that I heard says that the Internet-related project types that are part of Visual Basic 6.0 were afterthoughts that were not originally intended to be part of the product. That alone shouldn’t be enough to deter a developer from using them, but perhaps this is: The VB Internet projects provide a way for experienced VB developers to jump into Web development while continuing to use the familiar environment of the VB6 development environment.

Although at first thought this seems like a great idea, it comes at a price. Those projects carry with them an additional overhead that could limit the performance and scalability of your site. The Visual Basic 6.0 Web projects work, but Visual InterDev 6.0 is a better choice because its projects do not carry with them that added overhead that the Visual Basic 6.0 Web projects do.

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