
Exchange Mail Storage

Exchange Mail Storage

I have an attorney client who wants to have all his e-mail stored on his local workstation, not on the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 SP2 Server. In fact, he would prefer all his staff to have the same configuration.

Can this be done?

Yes, it can be done, although I don’t recommend it. Simply install a Personal Folders file service (it’s probably already there, in fact) in each Outlook client and set the default delivery location (Tools > Services > Delivery) to be the personal folder file.

All mail and other items (calendar, contacts, etc.) will be stored in a .PST file on their local hard drive instead of on the server.

There are a number of drawbacks to doing it that way, though, including less reliability, considerably more administrative hassle, and reduced functionality.

But I work with lawyers so I understand if they’re not always inclined to be rational when it comes to technology. 🙂

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