
MS Outlook

MS Outlook

I have a form that is being sent from Outlook 98 to Outlook 2000. The form contains a small macro (VB Script). How do I prevent the EnableDisable macro message from being displayed when opening the form using VBA within the Outlook 2000 application?

You can’t prevent it for all remote users, but you can sign the macro with a digital signature and have the other person “approve” all macros signed by you. You’ll need to do this within Outlook 2000, though, so you’ll have to open your project on an Outlook 2000 machine.

First you’ll need to install “Digital Signature for VBA Projects” from the Office 2000 CD. It’s not installed automatically–you’ll have to do it yourself. Microsoft Office should get you started. Look under the “Office Tools” Folder when you get to the part about choosing what to install.

Once it’s installed find the selfcert.exe file that it places on your C: drive and run it, providing the info it asks for.

Then go into the Visual Basic Editor, click Tools and Digital Signature. Click Choose and find the digital signature you created with Selfcert.

Save and exit all.

The first time your form is opened after that a prompt will appear warning of the macros and asking if it’s o.k. to run them. Have them click the “Always trust macros…” (written by you) check box and they’ll never be prompted again for any script you’ve signed.

Another option would be to have them change their security settings to “Low”…but in this day and age I wouldn’t recommend that.

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