Using Radio Buttons in a Form

I read an article about how to search a database upon the criteria provided by users. In the example, you showed how to use a drop down menu (combo box) and a text input box. If I have radio buttons, how can I place them?

To use radio buttons, use the HTML INPUT tag with TYPE=”radio”. This will create a radio button. To group radio buttons together so that only one can be selected out of the group, make sure to NAME them all with the same name. To identify which radio button was chosen by the user, use the VALUE attribute to provide different values to the different radio buttons.

 Red Blue Green

This will result in three radio buttons with three labels (Red, Blue, Green) next to them. When the user submits the form, you can investigate which option (radio) button was selected by using the Request object

Dim strColor   strColor = Request("optColor")

strColor will hold the value 1, 2, or 3. You can even set the VALUE attribute to the names of the colors themselves if you want. Then strColor will hold the Color name.

Once you determine what radio button was selected, you can then proceed to use it as criteria for your next step.


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