
Obtain Different Portions of a SQL Datetime Field

Obtain Different Portions of a SQL Datetime Field

SQL has the habit of displaying date fields as: yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00.000. But sometimes, you need to display just the Date or just the Time from a date field. Here are some of the more common, alternate formats:

CONVERT(CHAR,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,20)	--[ yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h) ]CONVERT(CHAR(10),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,20)	--[ yyyy-mm-dd ]CONVERT(CHAR(10),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,110)	--[ mm-dd-yyyy ]CONVERT(CHAR(8),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,8)	--[ hh:mm:ss ]CONVERT(CHAR(5),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,8)	--[ hh:mm ]

This example uses the System date (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), but any SQL date field will do.

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