
Access GridView Container Row Items from the Button Click Event

Access GridView Container Row Items from the Button Click Event

Assume Each GridViewRow contains Field1, Field2,…. Button:

            .   .   .                     

To access the other items in the same row from inside the button click event, you need to find the corresponding GridViewRow in which the button is placed.

GridViewRow grdRow = (GridViewRow)Button1.Parent.Parent;   void Button1_Click(object o, EventArgs e)   {   Button Button1 = (Button)o;   GridViewRow grdRow = (GridViewRow)Button1.Parent.Parent;   string strField1 = grdRow.Cells[0].Text;   string strField2 = grdRow.Cells[0].Text;   ...    }

Note: Applicable only for ASP.NET 2.0.

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